In a previous question (Android Kotlin Room Repository unable to retrieve row from within detail activity) I described my app that displays a list of walking routes (downloaded from the cloud) in a RecyclerView and, when a route is selected I want to display all details of the route - a simple Master-Detail app. I have most of it working fine using a Room database and a Repository. The database is correctly populated and the RecyclerView displays the list of routes. When a route is selected the routeID is correctly passed to an activity (TwalksRouteActivity.kt) where the route details are retrieved from the database and the details correctly displayed. Since I'm learning I also want to try and use best practice and I want to move the database calls out of the activity and into a ViewModel but I'm really struggling to get this working.
I have created a ViewModel (RouteViewModel) and wired this in to the activity (TwalksRouteActivity.kt). The ViewModel is correctly created and destroyed so now I should be able to move the data handling code from the activity to the ViewModel but that's where I'm stuck. In the activity I use lifecycleScope.launch (Dispatchers.Main) to handle the retrieval from the database but this structure doesn't work in the ViewModel so how can I replicate this functionality in the View Model?
The detail activity (TwalksRouteActivity.kt) is called from the RecylerView in (TwalksFragmen.kt) using an Intent and Bundle.
import android.util.Log
import androidx.lifecycle.SavedStateHandle
import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModel
class RouteViewModel(val savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle) : ViewModel() {
//var bundle: Bundle? = intent.extras
//var routeID = bundle?.getInt("routeID")
var routeID = savedStateHandle.get<Int>("routeID")
init {
Log.i("CWM", "view model created")
Log.i("CWM", routeID.toString())
override fun onCleared() {
Log.i("CWM", "view model destroyed")