I am using SQUARE as my payment gateway but I am having issue that I cannot post transaction description with the Transaction. In Square dashboard, it shows Custom Amount. Is there any way I can send the Buyer Name or any parameter to transaction so I can identify the Transaction in my square dashboard. Here is the snippet of codes to charge the Payment from Card to Square
$access_token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
$api_config = new SquareConnectConfiguration();
$api_client = new SquareConnectApiClient($api_config);
$payments_api = new SquareConnectApiPaymentsApi($api_client);
$request_body = array (
"source_id" => $nonce,
"amount_money" => array (
"amount" => $amount*100,
"currency" => "AUD"
"idempotency_key" => uniqid()
I tried to add "cardholder_name" => $firstname. " ".$lastname,
AND "buyer_email_addres" => $email,
But it is not going in Square Dashboard..
$request_body = array (
"source_id" => $nonce,
"amount_money" => array (
"amount" => $TPRICE * 100,
"cardholder_name" => $firstname. " ".$lastname,
"buyer_email_addres" => $email,
"currency" => "AUD"
"idempotency_key" => uniqid()
But still I am failed.
I hope someone must can solve my problem