Your solution is based on a brute force approach. You are generating all possible alternative strings and then filtering out the ones that do not meet the criteria of only 3 changes. A better approach would be to look only at those combinations that will meet the criteria. I will ignore the part of saving to a file, since it will be the same for both solutions. A faster solution would be:
def change_string(input_string, mapping, replace=3):
input_string = list(input_string)
to_replace = dict()
for idx, replacement in enumerate(mapping):
if not replacement: continue
to_replace[idx] = replacement
if input_string[idx] in replacement:
to_replace[idx] = [char for char in replacement if char != mapping[idx]]
for indices in combinations(to_replace, r=replace):
for chars in product(*[to_replace[index] for index in indices]):
temp = input_string[:]
for index, char in zip(indices, chars):
temp[index] = char
yield ''.join(temp)
I change the input string to a list, so I can do the replacement faster, since lists are mutable and strings are not.
Then I filter the mapping (p
) to represent only indices that are going to be changed. This removes all empty strings and provides me with the indices that I have to look at.
to_replace = dict()
for idx, replacement in enumerate(mapping):
if not replacement: continue
to_replace[idx] = replacement
if input_string[idx] in replacement:
to_replace[idx] = [char for char in replacement if char != mapping[idx]]
Note: I also make sure that the values in mapping are unequal to the original string values, which might not be what you want.
Then I create all possible combinations of indices with the required length (replace=3).
for indices in combinations(to_replace, r=replace):
Using your example this will contain the following group of indices:
(0, 1, 4)
(0, 1, 5)
(0, 4, 5)
(1, 4, 5)
Then I create all possible character
combinations from those indices:
for chars in product(*[to_replace[index] for index in indices]):
For example with indices (0, 1, 4)
or the values ('d1', 'c3', '0')
('d', 'c', '0')
('d', '3', '0')
('1', 'c', '0')
('1', '3', '0')
Are all the character combinations produced.
Then I create a copy of the input string (note it is a list, so we can perform fast replacements) and replace the characters at the correct indices.
def OP(input_string, replace=3):
p = ["d1", "c3", "", "", "0", "56"]
d = {idx: (v if input_string[idx] in v else input_string[idx] + v) for idx, v in enumerate(p)}
all_of_em = (''.join(whatever) for whatever in product(*d.values()))
fewer = [w for w in all_of_em if sum(a != b for a, b in zip(w, input_string)) == replace]
return fewer
Replace is 3
print(timeit.timeit("OP('abc123')", setup="from __main__ import OP", number=100_000))
# 5.6281933 seconds
print(timeit.timeit("list(change_string('abc123', ['d1', 'c3', '', '', '0', '56']))",
setup="from __main__ import change_string", number=100_000))
# 1.3682368 seconds
Which is about 3 times as fast, now the interesting part is to see what happens if we increase the replace value to 4
Replace is 4
print(timeit.timeit("OP('abc123', replace=4)", setup="from __main__ import OP", number=100_000))
# 5.5450302 seconds
print(timeit.timeit("list(change_string('abc123', ['d1', 'c3', '', '', '0', '56'], replace=4))",
setup="from __main__ import change_string", number=100_000))
# 0.6179974 seconds
A whooping 9 times faster, since my solution only has to check a few combinations.
Similar increase can be seen with using replace is 2
or 1