I have a nested has_many relationship that I'm trying to map to a json result.
The following example from the blog shows the kind of thing I want to do, except it's not nested
MATCH (a:Person { name: "Andres" })-[:FATHER_OF]->(child)
{name:a.name, kids:collect(child.name)} as document
What I want instead is something like this
MATCH (a:Person { name: "Andres" })-[:FATHER_OF]->(child)-[:has_read]->(book)-[:has_chapter]->(chapter)
{name:a.name, kids:collect({"name":child.name, has_read:collect(book)})} as document
In this case I would like to return a json object of a structure like this:
"name": "Andres"
"kids": [
"has_read": [
"name":"Lord of the Rings",
"chapters": ["chapter1","chapter2","chapter3"]
"name":"The Hobbit",
"chapters": ["An unexpected party","Roast mutton"]
"has_read": [
"name":"Lord of the Rings",
"chapters": ["chapter1","chapter2","chapter3"]
"chapters": ["chapter1","chapter2"]
See Question&Answers more detail:os