It is still useful to be able to set the bundle bit programmatically, for instance iPhoto does this to make the iPhoto Library folder appear as a single file.
You can set the bundle bit programmatically using the Carbon File Manager API. You'll need to make sure your app links against the Carbon framework and import the <Carbon/Carbon.h>
header. These calls are 64-bit safe.
- (void)setBundleBitOfFile:(NSString*)path toBool:(BOOL)newValue
const char* pathFSR = [path fileSystemRepresentation];
FSRef ref;
OSStatus err = FSPathMakeRef((const UInt8*)pathFSR, &ref, /*isDirectory*/ NULL);
if (err == noErr)
struct FSCatalogInfo catInfo;
union FinderInfoTransmuter finderInfoPointers = { .bytes = catInfo.finderInfo };
err = FSGetCatalogInfo(&ref,
/*outName*/ NULL,
/*FSSpec*/ NULL,
/*parentRef*/ NULL);
if (err == noErr)
if (newValue)
finderInfoPointers.finderInfo->finderFlags |= kHasBundle;
finderInfoPointers.finderInfo->finderFlags &= ~kHasBundle;
- (BOOL)bundleBitOfFile:(NSString*)path
BOOL value = NO;
const char* pathFSR = [path fileSystemRepresentation];
FSRef ref;
OSStatus err = FSPathMakeRef((const UInt8*)pathFSR, &ref, /*isDirectory*/ NULL);
if (err == noErr)
struct FSCatalogInfo catInfo;
union FinderInfoTransmuter finderInfoPointers = { .bytes = catInfo.finderInfo };
err = FSGetCatalogInfo(&ref,
/*outName*/ NULL,
/*FSSpec*/ NULL,
/*parentRef*/ NULL);
if (err == noErr)
value = (BOOL)(((finderInfoPointers.finderInfo->finderFlags) & kHasBundle) == kHasBundle);
return value;