I have the following code:
initializeForm(): void {
this.myForm = new FormGroup({
name: new FormControl('hello world', Validators.required)
clearValues(): void {
// save my form.. or do something, then clear my form
this.myForm.patchValue({ name: null });
And then in my html I have the input and some button to save changes. After that I call clearValues.
<input type=text formControlName="name">
<button (click)="clearValues()">Save</button>
When I start my app, the field has no red errors so I can type everything, but If I leave it empty, red errors appears (obviously).
If I write something such as 'Hello World' and I save. The input becomes empty and the red errors appears.
I tried with markAsTouched() or markAsDirty but the same results happens.
How I can click the button and leave the input without errors?
This is what I get, I want an empty with no errors input.