I have jupyter dark themes installed. My graphs sometimes look normal and sometimes it is very hard to read x, y axes. Same matplotlib code gives different results Easy to read graph
I have jupyter dark themes installed. My graphs sometimes look normal and sometimes it is very hard to read x, y axes. Same matplotlib code gives different results Easy to read graph
You can set style in matplotlib.
You want dark_background
from matplotlib import style
# '_classic_test_patch',
# 'bmh',
# 'classic',
# 'dark_background',
# 'fast',
# 'fivethirtyeight',
# 'ggplot',
# 'grayscale',
# 'seaborn',
# 'seaborn-bright',
# 'seaborn-colorblind',
# 'seaborn-dark',
# 'seaborn-dark-palette',
# 'seaborn-darkgrid',
# 'seaborn-deep',
# 'seaborn-notebook',
# 'seaborn-paper',
# 'seaborn-pastel',
# 'seaborn-poster',
# 'seaborn-talk',
# 'seaborn-white',
# 'seaborn-whitegrid',
# 'tableau-colorblind10']