In sprite kit you can cut part of a texture out using SKTexture(rect: inTexture:)
initializer. This is a helper class which manages an evenly spaced sprite sheet and can cut out a texture at a given row and column. It is used like So
let sheet=SpriteSheet(texture: SKTexture(imageNamed: "spritesheet"), rows: 1, columns: 11, spacing: 1, margin: 1)
let sprite=SKSpriteNode(texture: sheet.textureForColumn(0, row: 0))
Here is the full code
// SpriteSheet.swift
import SpriteKit
class SpriteSheet {
let texture: SKTexture
let rows: Int
let columns: Int
var margin: CGFloat=0
var spacing: CGFloat=0
var frameSize: CGSize {
return CGSize(width: (self.texture.size().width-(self.margin*2+self.spacing*CGFloat(self.columns-1)))/CGFloat(self.columns),
height: (self.texture.size().height-(self.margin*2+self.spacing*CGFloat(self.rows-1)))/CGFloat(self.rows))
init(texture: SKTexture, rows: Int, columns: Int, spacing: CGFloat, margin: CGFloat) {
convenience init(texture: SKTexture, rows: Int, columns: Int) {
self.init(texture: texture, rows: rows, columns: columns, spacing: 0, margin: 0)
func textureForColumn(column: Int, row: Int)->SKTexture? {
if !(0...self.rows ~= row && 0...self.columns ~= column) {
//location is out of bounds
return nil
var textureRect=CGRect(x: self.margin+CGFloat(column)*(self.frameSize.width+self.spacing)-self.spacing,
y: self.margin+CGFloat(row)*(self.frameSize.height+self.spacing)-self.spacing,
width: self.frameSize.width,
height: self.frameSize.height)
textureRect=CGRect(x: textureRect.origin.x/self.texture.size().width, y: textureRect.origin.y/self.texture.size().height,
width: textureRect.size.width/self.texture.size().width, height: textureRect.size.height/self.texture.size().height)
return SKTexture(rect: textureRect, inTexture: self.texture)
The margin property is the gap between the edge of the image and the sprites. The spacing is the gap between each sprite. The fameSize is the size each sprite will be. This image explains it: