I'm trying to write this script that chimes on every hour. I saved it as an application and selected the checkbox run after completion but it doesn't work. My code looks like this:
global chime
set chime to (path to resource "chime.mp3")
on idle
set currenthour to hours of (current date)
if currenthour = 0 then
set currenthour to 12
end if
if currenthour > 12 then
set currenthour to currenthour - 12
end if
set currentminute to minutes of (current date)
set currentsecond to seconds of (current date)
set currenttime to {currentminute, currentsecond} as text
if currenttime is "" then
repeat currenthour times
do shell script "afplay " & (quoted form of POSIX path of chime)
end repeat
end if
return 1
end idle