I am trying to display a json dataset on my localhost browser after getting it with a GET http request from a server.
imports ...
class See extends Component {
state = {
Sessions :[] ,
async componentDidMount(){
const {data: Sessions}= await axios.get("http://localhost:8765/...");
render() {
return (
<Table striped bordered hover>
{this.state.Sessions.SessionsSummaryList.map(Session => (
<tr key="Session.PointID">
); }
export default See;
This dataset consists of some data fields as well as a list of json object(each one containing 3 fields as shown in Table Headers).
Using the React extention in chrome dev tools i can see that the dataset is loaded in state and is looking like it is supposed to,however i am getting this error:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'map' of undefined
What i also saw with a simple print is that the render method is called 2 times during the run of this code.Is it that the Sessions value is not initialized in the first run?
If yes how can i solve this?