I'm very new to programming and am starting off with python. I was tasked to create a random number guessing game. The idea is to have the computer guesses the user's input number. Though I'm having a bit of trouble getting the program to recognize that it has found the number. Here's my code and if you can help that'd be great! The program right now is only printing random numbers and won't stop even if the right number is printed that is the problem
import random
tries = 1
guessNum = random.randint(1, 100)
realNum = int(input("Input a number from 1 to 100 for the computer to guess: "))
print("Is the number " + str(guessNum) + "?")
answer = input("Type yes, or no: ")
answerLower = answer.lower()
if answerLower == 'yes':
if guessNum == realNum:
print("Seems like I got it in " + str(tries) + " try!")
print("Wait I got it wrong though, I guessed " + str(guessNum) + " and your number was " + str(realNum) + ", so that means I'm acutally wrong." )
print("Is the number higher or lower than " + str(guessNum))
lowOr = input("Type in lower or higher: ")
lowOrlower = lowOr.lower()
import random
guessNum2 = random.randint(guessNum, 100)
import random
guessNum3 = random.randint(1, guessNum)
while realNum != guessNum2 or guessNum3:
if lowOr == 'higher':
tries += 1
import random
guessNum2 = random.randint(guessNum, 100)
tries += 1
import random
guessNum3 = random.randint(1, guessNum)
print("I got it!")