I try to draw 2D texts for my 3D world objects with libgdx's camera.project function but have a weird problem.
As you can see in the pictures, all is well in picture 1 but when I turn around 180 degrees the ball's name (codename 1) is be drawing the blank space also (picture 2). I couldn't get what the problem is and after hours of thinking decided to ask here. Please help me.
My code is:
public static void drawNames(){
for(int i = 0; i < TheGame.playerMap.size; i++){
Player ply = TheGame.playerMap.getValueAt(i);
TheGame.tmpVec.set(ply.getPos().x, ply.getPos().y, ply.getPos().z);
TheGame.fontArialM.draw(TheGame.spriteBatch, ply.name, TheGame.tmpVec.x, TheGame.tmpVec.y, 0, Align.center, false);