I am creating a map of UK election results, coloured by constituencies. Fill is the percent voted Labour and then I have a few constituencies highlighted using a variable coded 1 or 0 (red wall seats). It's looking pretty much how I want it (still need to tweak a few things), except the red line for the highlighted places is too thick. How can I make it thinner? This is the code for the map:
map.2010 <- ggplot(uk.df) + # creating plot
geom_sf(data = uk.df,
aes(colour = as.factor(red_wall), geometry = geometry,
fill = lab_share, size = 0.01)) + # fill by labour share
scale_color_manual(values = c('1' = 'red', '0' = NA),
labels = c('1' = 'Red Wall Seats'),
breaks = c('1')) + # to highlight red wall seats
coord_sf(xlim = c(2e+05, 6e+05), ylim = c(2e+05, 7e+05), expand = FALSE) + # to zoom in
scale_fill_viridis(option="viridis") + # to change colours
ggtitle("Labour's Share of the Vote in the 2010 General Election") + # title
labs(fill = "Labour Share (%)", colour = "") + # legend titles
theme(plot.title = element_text(lineheight = .8, face = "bold", size = 11, hjust = 0.2), # title
axis.text.x = element_blank(), # remove x axis labels
axis.text.y = element_blank(), # remove y axis labels
axis.ticks = element_blank(), # remove axis ticks
panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank()) # remove grid lines
Which produces this map: Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.