经典宋词《声声慢》翻译成英文能有多美直译:Seek, seek. Search, search. Cold, cold. Empty, empty. Misery, misery. Sorrow, sorrow. Sadness, sadness. 再看各种意译: 林译:So dim, so dark,/ So dense, so dull,/ So damp, so dank,/ So dead! 杨译:Seeking, seeking,/ Chilly and quiet,/ Desolate, painful and miserable. 徐译:I’ve a sense of something missing I must seek./ Everything about me looks dismal and bleak. / Nothing that gives me pleasure, I can find. 许译:I look for what I miss;/ I know not what it is./ I feel so sad, so drear,/ So lonely, without cheer. 虽然都是名家翻译,各有千秋,哪一个也不如原文的原汁原味意美音美!跪求英文版有关梅兰竹菊的唐诗宋词,最好是关于梅...梅 零落成泥碾作尘 只有香如故 陆游 Zero completion mud ground for dust only as incense
兰 兰生不当户,别是闲庭草。夙被霜露欺,红荣已回先老。李白 Joram the improper households, especially in forest grass. Is frost and dew rewelding deceives, red rong has been to old.
竹 生挺凌云节,答飘摇仍自持。 康有为 Born pretty LingYunJie, fragile self sustaining.
菊 待到秋来九月八,我花开后百花杀。黄巢 Until the autumn to September 8, I after bloom flowers. |